Monday, February 3, 2014


It's not that I'm forcing a reason that I moved back to this frigid inferno of ice cold arctic hell, but I think I've found one anyway. A while back I found this poem by my favorite artist...

It struck a chord. It does seem that meaningful stuff happens where ever I go and it tends to be instigated by me. I'm never satisfied with the status quo and I'm always thinking my way out of that damn box. 

So now I'm here, back in snowball hell and I've managed to get my school in the DR to pay for me and 2 students to attend the big student led environmental conference in March in Santo Domingo. I've chosen two kids from my club to travel outside the country, well here and Mexico, for the first time. For both girls this is their first time on an airplane and they get to go present our research on Toxic Treats (more on that horrifying topic later). 

Was I supposed to be here for this? To instigate and lead this opportunity?

Now, to get these girls a passport... not as easy as it sounds.

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