Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Lying Ass Holes

Nothing to hide but false advertising. Did you know that Naked is owned by PEPSI? WHAT? Seriously.

THIS pisses me off. When people go to McDonalds or buy Hot Cheetos I don't feel bad for them when they get sick. I do think people that consistently treat their bodies poorly should be denied health care, BUT this is a company deliberately trying to trick people who are trying to make a health conscience choice. For what? To make a few bucks? How about a few billion bucks. Pepsi hasn't done enough environmental damage making toxic soda, now they have to make toxic juice?

A class action law suit has been filed and of course Pepsi denies any wrong doing. Oh, really? They've been forced to remove "all natural" off their labels because apparently their claim of having 1 1/2 bananas in their juice is another lie. They fortify their juice with chemicals and guess what, a lot of companies probably do, but they don't go around trying to trick, and deceived people into thinking their product is natural.

How do people at Pepsi sleep at night? I'm not just talking about the CEO and managers, how about the dregs that are sluffing their feet around the plant. Do they just mindlessly go to their job with no regard to doing the right thing? Have they been tricked? Does the company feed them a bunch of marketing lies to convince them that they are doing the right thing? That they work in a good company?

The thing is that Naked is still using GMO soy and chemicals in their juice, they've just had to change the labels. They have NOT make the juice better.

Don't buy Naked juice, in fact, don't buy Pepsi products. Let your wallet speak for you and do the right thing for our farms, for your body.

I mean, look at this image.

Can you see Naked Juice on Pepsico's list? I don't and you wanna know why? Now, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I think Pepsi doesn't want us to know they own Naked, because the people that would spend $5 on a bottle of juice probably are a bit health conscience and wouldn't purchase anything made from a toxic soda company. 

This just reminds us of how we need to be more informed consumers. That what we choose to eat and drink make up US, our cells, and what is more important than that?

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