Wednesday, December 4, 2013

At least it's not Detroit

Snow is beautiful. I mean look at this photo.

Snow is fun. Can you feel the joy leaping from my pup?

There's nothing like hiking through the pristine, white, glistening snow.

But guess fucking what? I don't live there. I live in the city, where I have a job, a full time job, that I have to get to. EVEN WHEN IT SNOWS.

This damn city expects everyone to get to work. The public schools expect everyone to get to work at the crack of dark dawn and the city does a super shitty job making sure the streets, or sidewalks for that matter, are safe. I know that cities are broke, but I just paid $361 to get my Colorado plates, and the freaking DMV was packed with people like me, you'd think the least they could do is plow the damn street, maybe put a little something on the overpasses and the hills? It took me an hour to drive 5 miles home. Yeah, yeah, I could have walked faster, but it just so happens to be 7 degrees Fahrenheit outside, and I am not a polar bear so I don't have layers of blubber and fur for insulation. 

It really pisses me off that people are like, oh, well, you moved to Colorado, so it's snowing. Yes, I understand that, but if this is Colorado and this is what happens, then how come the city can't do something with the roads so people can actually get to work?

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