Monday, December 9, 2013

Could be a stick your foot in your mouth moment

The superintendent of my school district is coming to my school tomorrow afternoon. We were notified over the weekend that he will be there Tuesday at 4:15 pm and that we are all expected to attend. Now 4:15 might not sound like a late time to you, but I'll have been at work since 7:00 am and if you think teachers get breaks these days, you are fooling yourself. No, I don't teach every period straight through, but I do use my non teaching time to plan lessons, grade, call parents, document those calls, and my 25 minute lunch is spent shoving food into my face as fast as possible so that I can actually use the bathroom before my next class. So by 4:15 I'll have been working for 9 hours and 15 minutes and you are now saying that this meeting is mandatory? And you told me about it two days before the meeting. This is the kind of disrespectful crap that makes my head explode. Yeah, yeah, I know in the business these important meetings come up all the time, but do we have to have the equity discussion with pay? Before you cough up some crap about how teachers are overpaid for the amount they work, let me share with you that I spent 9 hours of MY WEEKEND creating two December finals. One final for the kids on a regular diploma and a completely different final for kids on a modified diploma.

I don't think the general public knows what it means to integrate all students into a class. I have students in one class that have an IQ range from below 2nd grade all the way to their on track 9th grade level. I have kids in a class that are bi-polar and hear messages and talk about their past life as a dragon, where their entire dragon family was killed, dragon wife, dragon children and all. My physics class is disrupted by a kid squealing like a siren for 5 minutes.

So what am I supposed to say to the superintendent? Am I supposed to smile all pretty and say how great things are? Am I supposed to just keep quiet? Am I supposed to speak up? I have spent several minutes thinking that I am going to have to control my behavior. I don't want to cause a scene, but seriously.

I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow, to sense the vibe, to see what I will do.

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