Sunday, December 8, 2013

She's gonna need a snowsuit

This morning we woke up to 4 degrees Fahrenheit and cloudy, dreary, snowy skies. I figured I'd get out early and try get some exercise for me and the pooch. We drove to the dog park a few miles from my house and this is what we walked into.

Eff this, we are braving this cold. I had a long sleeve shirt, a light down coat, a fleece vest and a snow shell, and my new boots. Fresa had her double fleece, and her snow boots. We rushed to the gate of the park to find that is was completely, and utterly empty. Ok, so maybe this wasn't such a good idea. A few minutes later a lab/ridgeback puppy came and jumped all over Fresa, who was none too happy to be there. She decided to stand in the middle of the park and shiver, uncontrollable shivering. She looks so pathetic. 

Ok, so she's Dominican, she's not meant for this kind of frigid temperature, but we will die here if we can get outside and be active. I want to take her snowshoeing. This doesn't look good, unless I can get her to wear one of these...

The key is in the built in boots.

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