Monday, November 25, 2013

She's so heavy

What do you think it's like in China, in those factories that are making all of our crap? You can find labels from Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, are those factories the same? Are they scary? If I'm going to pay $250 for a pair of hiking boots made in China, who is getting the money? You really can't make a pair of boots here in the US and keep the cost around $250? The $100 yoga pants thing is so strange, especially since they are probably made in the same factory that $10 Old Navy shirts are made. I can totally see spending $100 on pants, if they were locally made.

I failed in my quest to buy US made stuff today. After getting RUFMITA'ed purchasing my Colorado plates, I headed to REI. I used to work at REI back in 1996, back when it was well known, but a smaller operation and seemingly more down to earth. Today I went in and every shoe, sock, shirt, coat was made in some impoverished 3rd world country. I tried on several boots and then left. That is not unusual for me. I can't just go into a store and buy the first thing I see, I have to think about it. Now, even more since I'm counting my dollars.

So I ran around town, trying to run errands and after having no luck at all with boots, and knowing that I need them for my trip, I headed back to REI. On my return I decided not to get a Sorel type boot and go for the more practical hiking boot that I can wear now, and in the summer. I tried on a boot that felt great, but then decided to try on these...

WOW. Snug around the heel, roomy in the toe box. New technology for cinching the laces. These puppies are awesome. Somebody in China must have stitched and stitched to make these things. I'm sure my feet will feel heavy with guilt as I trudge through the snow covered path. The sad part is that they weren't even China cheap. These sucker cost enough for a decent waged American to stitch up. That's what I don't get...

I am reminded me of this scene in Across the Universe

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