Sunday, November 24, 2013

Apparently I need to rant some more...

There are these little locally made breakfast burritos, all wrapped up in plastic that they sell in Whole Foods. After a bitterly cold morning walk with Fresa I decided to head over to the local market and pick up a buritto. I drive into the lot and almost slam into the cart rack. The entire front of the store is covered in dead trees, dead christmas trees with signs that read $69.99.

A few years back I wrote about this same topic and of ALL places in this universe, the last place that I thought I would see a dead house tree is at Whole Foods. I actually had an image of driving my car though the trees and sparing them the harsh dry slow withering from the heat of a house.

Can you just take one more minute to reflect on why you killed a tree to stand in your house for a few weeks? I can give the smokers a small break, I mean they don't even care if they kill their own lungs, why would they care about killing a tree, but you non-smoker people, come on. We need those trees, you know to breathe. Dead trees can't photosynthesize and provide our needy lungs with sacred oxygen.

 I went into Bed Bath and Beyond the other day and I almost had a panic attack. There is so much crappy China-made shit in there that the store owners should be charged with treason. Please be conscience about where your stuff is made. You have the power, the choice to buy locally made stuff. Yes, it may be a bit more expensive, but can't you cut back a little and only buy a few gifts?

I've made a decision that this xmas my gifts will be made in the US. If you need ideas go to the Etsy website and buy directly from the artist herself. Your downtown area probably has some great little shops with locally made stuff. Be a responsible consumer this holiday season. Give gifts that make the world better and let's cut our ties with toxic plastic crap from China.

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