Are you ready for some irony?
Last week I had my end of the year review with my Principal. It seems that our school has removed the "exceeds standards" from the teacher categories and the highest you can achieve at the school is "meets standards". When I asked why, he stated that some people felt like it was unfair to judge people over and above the "meets" categories. Ok, so you want all your teachers to strive for average. Interesting.
So that isn't the ironic part. The irony is that in that same meeting my Principal brought up that I am too outspoken, that I need to learn to keep my mouth shut more often, that I'm making people uncomfortable and people are taking what I say personally. You want an example? At a staff meeting not too long ago we were talking about the environmental conference that is going to be held at our school next year. This conference is an international event and has taken place all around the world for many years. The standards are high, very high. One of the non-negotiable is the use of disposable plastic water bottles on campus, or should I say banning the use. Schools that have hosted this event have successfully banned single use plastic bottles. You may be wondering how that is possible in a country with no access to clean water, however our campus spent thousands of dollars to install water fountains with filters - over 10 of them. So everyone is able to drink from the fountain. This, however, has not slowed the purchasing of disposable water. Our cafeteria is a private company and they make money off of Dasani.
Well, at the meeting I was sharing how if the school is going to host this conference (which they are) then they have to make some changes. Changes that are doable, but will take some effort. I am afraid that the school will put up a huge well designed curtain, but behind that beautiful curtain will be piles of rat infested trash and plastic bottles. Then I pointed out that even in our meeting there are teachers with plastic plates for snacks, plastic cups for single use and we are the leaders. We are supposed to be modeling responsible behavior. How do we expect our students to make good decisions if we, ourselves, are not.
It seems that someone (I can only speculate who) complained about my comment. That it was rude. It seems they didn't like that ugly, irresponsible image they saw when I held up the mirror, but instead of seeing their reflection, they decided to go on the defensive. Guess what? You should feel guilty. You should feel sad. Normal humans feel sad and guilty when they make bad choices. Sadness and guilt can lead to changes. Ignorance can not.
So at my end of the year review my principal brought up all this drama. I'm too outspoken. I shouldn't be pointing out that giant white elephant.
Ok, so you ready for the ironic part? This same principal, in an effort to do I don't know what, has created an award for Female Leadership at our school. This award was inspired by a book by the COO of Facebook, who happens to be a woman. Her book is called "Lean In" and was published this March. In his speech to the students today here is what he said when presenting this award to the few chosen students...
The “Lean In” Award, named after the book of the same title, written by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, which has helped re-ignite important, important conversations. The students were selected by this award from a team of teachers, the counselors, and myself based on demonstrated leadership for:
· Taking a bold, self-defined/self-initiated opportunity
· Making an impact beyond yourself by bringing others together
· Being hard-charging and aggressive when necessary and not apologizing for it
· Potentially sacrificing popularity by demonstrating intelligence and wanting success
· For now accepting this award without feeling guilty or undeserving, as if a mistake had been made. But accepting it knowing that you have earned it!
As he was reading this description during the assembly today, all I could think of is - wait - that is me. All those characteristics and qualities you are reading are me, and they are the same items you were complaining about. Sacrificing popularity? Isn't that what you just asked me to do in my final evaluation. Keep quiet, pipe down? Seriously...
1 comment:
B R A V O ! many girls could learn from this. Shh, pretty girl. Pipe down. Stay quiet is soooo 1950's. Aren't we over that yet? What's that saying about "well behaved women seldom make history"
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