Friday, June 7, 2013

Power hugs

Yeah, yeah, I have control issues, but listen to what I realized on the way to school this morning. First let me explain for those of you who don't know that I have issues with my personal space and by issues I mean that my personal space is very large and there is no reason for you to be anywhere in that space at any time. Living in Latin America has been challenging because they kiss everyone here all the time whether I just saw you yesterday or not. Entering a party means that you walk around to every single person and give them a kiss greeting. Nice gesture, but not really me.

Yesterday a student gave me a letter (a 3 page letter) that I took home with me to read. Before bed I sat down and started reading and was touched with love, compassion, proudness beyond belief. I immediately wanted to give that student a hug and knew that first thing the next morning I would do just that.

On my 4 minute early morning walk to school this morning I had an epiphany. I actually do like hugs, when they are on my terms. During the awards ceremony at school I announced the science winners and when those kids came on stage I gave them real hugs. I couldn't wait to see my student and give her a hug, wait?! That doesn't sound like me. Am I that much of a stubborn control power mongrel that hugs are only allowed when I say it's ok?

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