I know you see that white elephant. The one standing in the middle of your workplace. The one standing in the middle of your living room. Why are people afraid to talk about it?
Today I had my exit interview since I'm leaving this school. I've done so much cool shit for this school and the community and you know what the principal had the nerve to bring up? Well, it seems that when I make comments on how to improve people get offended and take them as criticism, personal criticism. It seems people around me are sensitive and they don't want to bring up the giant stinky loud white elephant that is blocking us from actually seeing each other. He told me that I need to know when and where to bring up changes, as if "their" way is working, as if ignoring the enormous elephant is moving us towards progress.
He's all about status quo and not ruffling feathers and I tell you what, this is why after 80 years this school is still stuck in the 1970's. We have the money and talent to move forward, but since people are just happy going through the motions we are stuck. Stuck in a spinning machine, on a hamster wheel. A giant hamster wheel. It's so big that it seems like we're moving, but when you zoom out and really look at what's happening we've been moving in place. And everyone is tired, from all that spinning, all those rotations that make you feel like you are making progress, but in the end you've just turned another round on the wheel. I even think they know they're spinning, but no one has the guts to stand up and say - HEY - stop this thing and let me off. Oh, wait, that's what I said.
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