Friday, April 19, 2013

Who needs the grid?

I ate something from all four food groups today. I know this doesn't sound blog worthy, but believe me this is a rare moment. Me, of all people, with focus on health, environmentalism, peace, can't seem to fuel my own body properly. Stress equals no appetite in my world and it seems I've been under a bit of stress lately.

I'm going to step down off my free fall ride for a moment and tell you that I'm a teensy bit freaked out about reverse culture shock. It is difficult to live outside your culture, for sure, but I've created my own little culture. This year I've been on a mission to have the cheapest possible utility bill. It has nothing to do with the money because my school pays my utilities, it's just a personal challenge I set for myself. Last month my electric bill was 599 pesos and at 40 pesos to the dollar that is about $15, for the whole month. Well with a more conscience effort to unplug appliances when they aren't in use I managed to save 9 more pesos this month, not much in terms of monetary savings, but I was thinking about the "grid", and of course when that thought goes out into the universe I start seeing ideas about how to live more off the grid. Today this post came across facebook.

This could be my new house. Where should I park it? You know those sheds in the Home Depot parking lots? I always thought the barn looking one would make a great home. Can't you see me curled up with a book in my tiny house?

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