Sunday, June 12, 2011

Back in America, well, North America, well, the United States of America!

I've learned to specify where I'm from. You can't live in South America and say you're American, because people respond with "so am I", and then you can't really say North American, because the Mexicans and Canadians will be lumped in there with you, so you end up having to say "yo soy de los estados unidos" which just says that I am from the United States, but if you really get picky, then you might get asked, well isn't Mexico really the United States of Mexico and technically they'd be correct, so it all gets a bit tricky, until... you get HOME and then no one asks you where you are from and you can just go about your business!

It doesn't take much time when you are away from the US of North America to realize how awesome this place is. Yeah, yeah, taxes, politics, etc. can take its toll, but seriously, this place is awesome. Clean roads, well hell, there are actual roads! Clean water, organized cities, customer service, did I mention clean roads? Being a tourist here is so easy! Well, I suppose you need a car, because transportation, in general, is not easy, especially in North Carolina, but renting a car is quite easy, so get in your car and start exploring!

My aunt is here visiting and we decided to be tourists for a few days. First stop was Fort Fisher, which is very close to my parents' house. This fort was used during the Civil War and is slowly joining the other forts and eroding into the ocean. One of the unique features of this fort were the blockade runners that would bring supplies from Bermuda into the hands of the confederates.

If you haven't been to the south you might be surprised to hear that the confederacy is alive and well here. Thriving actually. Yehaw. Got me some camo pants, my rifle, some moonshine and my rebel flag. My parents have lived in North Carolina for 26 years and will be considered Yankees til the day they leave. 

Next to Ft. Fisher is the Underwater Archeology Center which just pulled up Blackbeard's anchor from Queen Anne's Revenge. They've been working on the wreckage for over 10 years now and have waited to publicize to make sure it really was the pirate ship.

Next stop on the tour... another fort. We searched for some touristy things close to Wilmington and came up with lots of forts, lighthouses and old farm plantations. There is a battleship here, but I've been there a few times and it's already getting hot, so we decided to hop in the car and drive two hours towards Beaufort. Here, another Civil War fort, Fort Macon, is located. This fort was actually built by the US Federal Government in the 1850's and was guarded by one man when the confederate soldiers overtook the fort and used it during the Civil War. The fort was used in a few subsequent wars and is now a historic site. 

On our way out of Beaufort I spotted an old cemetery and yelled "Let's stop, Dad!" So we spent a few peaceful moments wandering around the historic cemetery.

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