Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Graduation Party - June 4, 2011

I just realized that I forgot to tell ya'll how the big graduation party was. This year around 35 students graduated and threw a party this is rumored to have cost $120,000, yes, you read that right, one hundred twenty THOUSAND dollars. Whew. Before I left I tried planting some seeds about maybe throwing a bit less extravagant party and donating the rest of the money, but I'm not sure how those seeds will grow without constant encouragement.

I was told that people would dress up - fancy, like prom fancy, like full length gown fancy. A gown? I didn't even wear a gown at my own wedding, well, I eloped on the continental divide, but still, a gown? After a week of stressing about the "gown", I decided to give it up and just borrow a dress from a coworker and not worry about looking out of place. I mean have you seen the way I dress? I pretty much look out of place anyway...

Laura was my date. That girl can make an empty room fun, so I told my principal that I would go as long as she could come as well. Here we are all dressed up and ready to impress :)

Laura has success borrowing a "gown" complete with sparklies. I had some sparkles too, but the knee length nature of my dress made it a bit less formal.

The party was scheduled to get underway at 10 pm or so with plans of serving dinner at 1 am, so we met my principal and his wife at a bar across the street from the party and made our entrance. The decorations were beautiful, I don't know about thousands of dollars beautiful, but the rooms were exquisitely decorated. Each student had 24 tickets and there was a teacher table for the few teachers that decided to attend. Many of the lower classmen were there, so I was able to see my girls all dressed up in their gowns. 

Here are four of "my" girls, you know the homeroom group of all girls that I had this year. They will graduate in 2013.

After some mingling it was time for the graduates to make their entrance. Since it is such a small class each senior got to choose a parent to walk them down the "aisle". It was super cute. I felt overly motherly and thought that I MUST return in two years when my girls graduate. 

The theme of the night was something like "we had the time of our lives". There was a live band and a huge dance area. It was nice to see the kids all dressed up and have time outside of school to say goodbye. It was a good way to close out my two years teaching at SCCS.

These four gorgeous girls graduated last year. I had them in a study hall class so we got close my first year at SCCS.

Nothing like 16 year olds to make you feel and look old :) Who needs children when I have my school family?

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