Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hasta luego

I'm leaving tomorrow. Two years, well, 22 months really, but we can call it two years, have passed in another blink of an eye. Have you moved around at all? The goodbye thing is always a struggle and seems to last just a few too many days. So much to wrap up, so many people to say goodbye to. Teachers are used to wrapping up each school year, saying temporary goodbyes and starting fresh every year, but international teachers are in a unique situation. I'm leaving a country that I have no plans to return to. I know, never say never, and I'm not saying that, but chances are slim that I'll be back in Bolivia. I do have to return to South America and explore Patagonia, both the Argentina and Chilean side but that is after I finish up exploring the caribbean.

Living and working in Santa Cruz has changed me in many ways. One of the hard things about returning to friends and family back home is that often times you are not really the same person anymore. Little things have changed, things that don't seem to big, until you are around people that knew you before. Before what? I'm not sure how to answer that. Each and every experience has left its mark on me, good and bad. It is hard not to become hardened when you've seen starving children and animals. I must have gone past 20 street dogs just today during a 10 minute taxi drive. Then there is the mark that my girls have left. Their kindness, compassion, honesty; they are a part of me and my family and yet won't probably ever know my other family. It is hard to go home and try to have conversations with people you haven't talked to. One plus for you is that I've kept a blog, so you can keep up with my travels, sarcasm, sadness and joys, but what do I have from you? Nothing. There is always facebook and that source has become my only link to some of you. I look forward to reading about your adventures, even if they are not far from home.

I know some of you think that I have crazy adventures, but believe me, those of you with kids and permanent homes are MUCH crazier than me. I like reading about your family, not so much the baby stage, I don't care that much until your kids start talking, but then, bring it on.

In my last few hours here in Santa Cruz I am going to the graduation party. The $120,000 party that kids have been saving for since pre-K. Parties in Bolivia don't get rollin' until about 10:30 pm. The dinner is planned for 1:00 am, so it'll be just enough time to say more goodbyes before jumping on the plane to Miami. See you all Stateside.

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