Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oh Snaps

Teaching can really have its ups and downs and this week was a real downer. The week started off fantastic, as the president decided a few weeks ago that Monday would be a holiday and therefore we didn't have school. No better way to start the work week with a day off. With a short week ahead of me, and 2 exams planned the outlook was good. I thought. Then, after a staff meeting on Wednesday, a security guard at the school tracked me down to let me know that three students were caught in my room going though my desk. Huh. I was giving a Chemistry exam the next day. You know that class that I now have to teach because the "other" teacher ran screaming and crying from our school in December? Yeah, that class. Ok, I know that teenagers think that all old people are super stupid, but I am the exception :) At this point I don't have any "evidence" or "facts" that a test was looked at, photographed or taken, but on the way home I decided to suck it up and spend MY free time writing a new test. Have you ever tried to hand type a chemistry test? Didn't think so, but let me tell you it isn't a short process.

The next morning I get to school and meet with my principal and dean and we decide that I will definitely give the "new" test and that we'll keep our eyes out. We do find out that the day before the girls (three of them) told the cleaning lady that one of them had left their cell phone in my room and they needed to get in. Too bad the cleaning lady didn't know that I didn't even teach those kids on that day (we have block schedules). She unlocks the door and notices that the girls go straight to my desk and start rummaging through my drawers and take something. Now, the cleaning lady doesn't know my exam schedule, but she, too, is not stupid and realizes that something smells funny. She goes straight to her boss and you know what they do? They grab a yearbook and immediately identify the girls! Genius. The problem, however, still remains that we don't have any evidence that they took something. The class starts at 8 and I'm outside with the dean and we notice the three "suspects" acting "strange" and heading up to the library. It's 10 minutes before class, huh, what are they going to the library for? Could be lots of reasons, right? Well the dean decided to head up and weasel his way, unseen, to the back where the girls are sitting. Crouching below the shelves he heads toward their table and low and behold there they are, sitting pretty, with MY exam. Oh snaps.


Mary Yemma said...

Maybe your exams shouldn't be so hard :)
I give them an A for trying.

sara said...

Busted!! Sounds like something that would happen at Apex High..the more things change, the more they stay the same. Glad teachers are still smarter than the students.