Monday, May 2, 2011

Two summers is ALWAYS better than one

I remember not too long ago, maybe 5 years, sitting on my little couch in Denver, wrapped up in a fleece blanket, sweater, wool socks, pajama pants, cup of tea, freezing my butt off, thinking... wouldn't it be super cool to teach in South America and enjoy the school year in the summer months and then return to North America to enjoy summer break? Those thoughts, way back then, seemed a huge stretch, but here I am people, sitting in Bolivia, watching the cool air encroach as fall sneaks in, thinking, in 5 weeks I'll be spending summer in North Carolina! I DID it.

 For the past two years I have taught in Bolivia and enjoyed the tropical Santa Cruz air all school year. I did venture north of the equator in December when I traveled in Colombia, and I did spend some freezing moments in Ecuador during June and July, but for the past two years I've been soaking in the warmth and this summer I am headed back to the U.S. to soak up some more. I don't consider myself a sun worshiper, I don't lay out and tan, but I do love when the sun is shining. Don't get my wrong, I'll take a few clouds every now and then, but the sun better make an appearance soon.

Lately I have realized that I can accomplish anything. I know you are thinking, yeah, yeah, you don't have a family, kids, mortgage, and you are RIGHT, and you know why I don't have those things? Because I made the choice not to. My decisions, from years past, have led to this life I have. This life, that, although I complain and get frustrated, I love.

Now the trick is not to sit here and wish you could change things. The trick is to KNOW that you CHOSE what you have. You made the choice to be exactly where you are right now, so enjoy it. Love it. Live.

Try this. I bet you are exactly where you want to be. 

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