Friday, May 13, 2011

And the winner is...

Our school has a competition where each grade level competes for points and the winner earns an end of the year BBQ, off campus, for the whole day. Each teacher has their own homeroom class and each grade has three homerooms. This year, as you know, my homeroom was all the 10th grade girls. I have this theory about competitions and games... if you're going to play, you mind and well win, and win we did. Since December we have been earning points for small contests, like, the least amount of tardies, collecting supplies for flood victims, eating contests, etc. Herding a bunch of 16 year olds is no small task, but luckily I have a huge mouth and an attitude to match, so with a "little" encouragement from me and my 19 girls, the entire 10th grade earned a day off campus.

All our kids are in the elite class of Santa Cruz so anyone could have hosted a party for 40 people, but no one was stepping up to offer, so I just chose the student with the closest house to school and bugged him until he caved in and asked his mom. The school hired the BBQ man and in addition to the house full of maids we had ourselves a fantastic day celebrating our awesomeness.

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