Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thank you - sister!

Welcome to my newly designed blog - all thanks to my super creative sister! She is a fantastic artist and full of creative ideas. She gets that from my mother who can whip up anything you need if you give her a needle, some thread and material. I did not get that gene. My sister and I are definitely a combination of our parents, but in very different ways. We are also 8 1/2 years apart so that plays a role, especially when dealing with computer stuff. I'm like my mother in that way and just need direction on what button to push, which I'm sure is the reason that my sister just logged into my blog and designed it without trying to tutor me along.

A few summers back she created this little scrapbook page from our photo! I love it.

She also did a page for Winnie after she was diagnosed with cancer... it is awesome.

Every holiday I look forward to her cards, which are hand made! She has even managed to get them to me in Bolivia!