Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pedigree = mutt

I am curious about my ancestors. Who where these people that picked up and left everything they knew for an unknown land. What was it like back then? Was there so much buzz about the new world that people couldn't resist? What kind of people were they? I relate to those few that said, hey, what the hell, let's try it somewhere else, BUT they did this without google earth or internet at all. Did they have any idea what they were getting themselves in to? Can you imagine leaving for a trip without a map, or in these days, photos and a lonely planet guide, without having any clue was was ahead? Was life that bad in Norway or Italy, or was it just the draw of something new and different.

You know what else... I don't even know much about my grandmothers' heritage. Where did their families come from and why did they venture to the US, and when did that happen. In my liberal mind this is unethical. Everyone talks about the grandfathers, oh he did this and he did that, but what about the other side of the family?

I guess people want to know about their past so that they can justify their lives. Oh, I'm just like crazy Uncle Stu, or she's so smart, just like her Aunt Katherine. If we know that our weird quirks are in our genes, it some how justifies them a little more.

So here I am in the early stages of contemplating where I'm going to live next year and it has me thinking... which crazy relative am I like? It has to be the one that got on that boat and sailed off, not knowing where they were going and didn't worry about leaving a legacy behind. No kids, no genes to spread. Here I am thinking of my past and not planning to leave a future.

It makes sense to me that I would be a wanderer. It makes more sense to me than sitting in the same town with a family and never leaving. My ancestors were the ones that left! All four of my grandparents came from different places. Their families were the odd balls, the ones that said, let's do it, let's take a risk and leave everything we know. Doesn't it make sense that I'm doing the same thing?

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