Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mama Lisa

My teacher lunch table has become so unbearably negative that I've decided to extend my girlosophy group into lunch and as a group eat together and chat. Today was the second day that we ate in my room and after finishing our food and some girl chat, my 19, awesome, 10th grade girls decided to practice their dance routine for the upcoming Halloween party. I'm sitting towards the back of the circle we've formed with the desks, and the girls jump in the middle and all together start dancing, laughing, and working on the routine. While I'm sitting back in my chair I had this overwhelming feeling of pride. I actually got a bit choked up while I watched them and at that exact moment, 1:35 pm on 14 October 2010 I realized, oh my god, I found what I'm supposed to do in life. This is it. I am their "mother". I am supporting, nurturing, disciplining, caring for, and enjoying 19 teenage girls and I'm loving every single minute of it.

I get asked all the time, "why don't you want kids?" and today is why. If I had my own family I would be 100% focused on them, but because I am not a mom, I can give all that love to my kids at school. They are my children. I know that sounds corny, but I feel like their school mother. I have no desire what-so-ever to replace their real mother, but let's face it, I probably spend more time with them than their home mother. And guess what, since I'm not really responsible for them I can focus on the good stuff. I can stay positive and help them see what beautiful beings they are.

Before the bell rang to release us from lunch two students came over to me and said, "Miss, we don't like our ears, we want to have surgery. Look at them, they are big, I have to pull my hair over them." Because I know what it's like to be self conscience and have a low self esteem I was able to take a deep breath and say, "Girls, I want you to hear me... I think your ears are beautiful and a part of you, and you look great, however, if you think about it more and want to change something I will support you no matter what."

I chose my all girl homeroom and we've become a family.


NaRiHo said...

You are a great teacher, I always knew you would be.

drifter.gypsy said...

this is beautiful! What an extraordinary occurrence! I am so thrilled that you were able to experience this!
On a side note I am SO sorry and almost surprised to hear about your lunch table being negative. And even more sorry that you still have to wait until 1:35 to eat.
Lastly- I don't know what your sister did to your site- but it is SO you and SO rad!
xoxo -Alissa