Monday, July 19, 2010

17 July - Day 43: Infected ant bites, sore muscles, and a bee sting

I haven´t traveled with someone so high maintenance before and I wonder what in the hell she was thinking when she signed up for this trip? I knew I´d have to adjust to being with people, but I thought the people would be more low key - you know - the camper, hiker type. Oh well... I have to get a grip and not let this affect my entire experience in the Galapagos.

This morning started with some canned fruit and a bit of confusion... The "plan" (I know, I know - I´m in South America) says we are to work 1/2 day at the farm and then head back to Puerto Ayora, well plans change and instead we were picked up at 8:30 and whisked back to town to find that no one was at the hostel, so we left our bags and headed to Garrapatero. After 6 side stops we are on the road and ready to help clean up the beach. Manned with a grocery bag we find the playa and it is stunning. The turquoise water takes your breath away, especially contrasted against the black basalt. The huge chunks of lava still show the ropey movement of the once liquid rock. Impressive. Finding a seat requires some work, but has huge rewards once the animals that thrive here come to life. Red crabs scurry past and every so often a marine iguana pops up and awkardly lumbers across the sharp rocks. They eat plants. Their jerky movements pull vegetation from the volcanic rocks. They are able to slow their heart beats down so that they can stay under water for an hour - feeding on delicious green slime. Watching them swim is my favorite sight so far - I follow a large iguana to the surf and off he goes...

The sun decides to make another brief appearance and for a moment I feel warm - finally.

Our guide has brought his wife and daughter along and I sneak away for a little quiet time.

The wife has made us a picnic and opens a container of slimy chicken on the bone - I wonder how long ago this was prepared, and of course rice. Thankfully I brought a few snacks with me.

Back in Puerto Ayora I take a much needed shower - drop of my laundry - and sit by the Bay. Children are laughing - flying a kite - sea lions are frolicking - the air - my favorite smell - sea side.

Ow - damn - I got STUNG by a bee-like creature! Geeze it hurts. Wow, I´m serious this is painful - my finger is swollen and red - good thing I don´t think I´m allergic to bees.

Ok - need to take my mind off the sting - let´s go shopping. I thought I brought three pairs of socks, but apparently I only brought two - and short ones at that. Athletic socks may be a problem to find - oh wait there´s an actual REEF store here. $10 for socks??? Ok, I´ll suck it up. Now I need a sweatshirt. You´d think it would be easy to find especially since it´s so chilly here and people think they are coming to the beach on the equator... I need something warm to wear at  night. Next we are headed to the highlands of a different island. Damn more clouds, cold and rain.

Tomorrow is a free day. I need to get rid of the shadow for a bit. How to I break it to her so she doesn´t cry?

p.s. the ¨no hurt¨ant bite theory is a LIE! I am an itching fool and have pimple ant bites all over my stomach and lets. Good thing it´s not warm enough to wear a bathing suit ;)

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