Monday, July 19, 2010

16 July - Day 42: As the World Turns

´bama is gone - off to sit at the airport to see if she can get a flight. Let´s hope she is successful.

Overnight the clouds have thickened and the chill in the air deepened. Brrrr.

Wait - what? Don´t make me use that delete button - seriously? She´s baaaaack. No luck with the change of flight and now that she´s back she wants to stay - BUT only if her mom can get her phone to work here. So sad - to be ruled by an electronic device - ok, I could see being ruled by a pacemaker, but a phone?

So now I have to move on and enjoy MY trip despite a desperate child at my side. I´m going to have to ditch her on one of the free days.

The high schoolers were back too, and after successfully destroying the place, again, the local staff is frustrated. I´ve heard the f-bomb being thrown around... I don´t blame the staff at all - the kids were a horrible example, but even worse was the leader. She was pathetic and in my mind to be blamed for all the mess. The blatant disrespect was disgusting.

As for me - I´m loving it. Despite being 10 degrees F too cold it is beautiful here. The clean air is just what my respiratory system needed. Inhaling feels good!

This morning the work was clearing paths again. I joined a different group and had an enjoyable conservation - until we uprooted an ants nest and the little buggers bit us all over! I was covered! Up my rubber boots and into my pants and under my shirt! I have little bite marks for proof. Don´t worry someone says - they won´t leave marks for long and they won´t hurt tomorrow.

After the chaos of the students retreated we gathered ourselves and headed back to the farm area. Today we sifted soil and planted seeds. We then pulled weeds for way too long and headed for the orange tree and I must say that I ate the most delicious orange of my life. Of course that´s not saying much since I´m not a big orange fan, but it sure was tasty.

The sun has decided to make a guest appearance and now I can really close my eyes, breathe deep and be thankful.

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