Monday, July 19, 2010

18 July - Day 44: WAIT! WHAT? NO! RATS???

I thought I could handle the rodents. Not quite knowing yet - what they were - at night I could hear them scurrying around in the ceiling, main problem is that the "ceiling" is covered in cloth and I can SEE them scurrying around. Last night I heard them messing with my bags of clothes - you know how I like to use plastic bags for packing? I heard the rustling in the plastic and would try and turn on the light to catch the little buggers - no luck - whew - good - they must be small.

Until... we got home around 7:30 after wandering around the town for 10 1/2 hours (the plan to ditch didn´t work...) Exhausted - I open my door and made sure to announce my arrival and then waited a few minutes to enter - ok - ready. I move over to the porch door and turn around - what do I see scurrying up a wooden support pole in the middle of the room? A RAT! No - not a mouse, or an unidentifiable rodent, but a gray RAT. Nooooooooooo.

So that´s how they´re getting down. You see how close the pole is to the bed? I don´t mean to be picky or anything - but THERE ARE RATS IN MY ROOM! I was thinking how much easier this would be if I were really drunk right now, but the problem is that I am leaving for another island tomorrow and nervous about the boat ride, so adding alcohol to the mix doesn't seem like a good idea. BUT how am I going to sleep? To top it off... no one and when I say no one I mean no one who works here is around. The hotel is empty except for me and ´bama.

Oh - back to ´bama... this is my last post with her - I promise. She is on a flight home tomorrow. I know it´s chilly, overcast and not what she was expecting and after going back and forth - she is OUT. She´ll say her goodbyes in the morning and I´m off at 1:30. Thankfully, although I do come back to Santa Cruz, I don´t have to sleep here again.

We did make it to Tortuga Bay again, except this time at low tide. I am completely obsessed with marine iguanas.

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