Sunday, May 11, 2014

It can't be THAT bad...

So, Saturday morning I got a message from a guy, let's call him Lester, on this online dating site that I've signed up for. It's a free site, and beggars can't be choosy, but he seemed like a decent enough guy. My age, mentioned geology and in a text asked me if I knew what a baculite is. Um, yes, ok, this looks promising. His online photos are of him in road bike spandex gear, which is weird, but at least he cares about himself, right? He also listed himself as 6'4" and for a short, wimpy girl I sure am obsessed with height.

We texted a few times and the inevitable, can I have you phone number comes up, so we exchanged numbers and set up a "date" for that evening. I'm really picky about how far I'll drive for anything, so when he suggested a bar within walking distance to my house I was pleasantly surprised.

I called my mother and told her that I was going out with a stranger and that if I didn't call to wish her a Happy Mother's Day that he actually is a serial killer and to send someone to get Fresa.

In the 20 minutes it took me to shower and gussy up I started feeling that sick to your stomach, what am I doing, feeling. Just being a silly old lady, I suppose, so I mustered up the guts and walked down.

Apparently Lester was just finishing up a business meeting, so when I walked up he was sitting with another guy, let's call the friend Carl. I knew that I wasn't attracted to Lester from his photos, but you never know, right? You can't judge a book by it's cover?

I should have judged a book by it's cover.

Well, I sat down on the same side of the booth as Lester and across from Carl, who btw, was much more "my type" than he was, but I digress.

So Lester tells Carl to fill me in on their meeting and Carl starts to drone on and on about starting a company that makes miniature plastic toys for adults. Kind of like train set stuff, but with other themes. WHAT?? What the hell? What grown up wants miniature toys? My eyes started to glaze over and to avoid falling out of the booth I made the mistake of asking my "date" what his role was.

MISTAKE, for Lester began his soliloquy of his interest in WWII airplanes and before you know it he was showing me old airplane pictures on his phone. Describing the paint jobs, who flew them, detailing me on the missions...

In my head I was already scheming on how to get out of there. What the hell. Hi, nice to meet you, now let me talk on and on about shit that NO GIRL would ever care about. Huh, no wonder, right? I suppose the same could be said for me...

As the weirdness of having a 3rd person was becoming more obvious, he says to Carl, hey about that other thing we talked about, I'll take you up on it. So Carl takes out his wallet and gives him 40 bucks. I must have had a inquisitive look because he then proceeds to tell a long drawn out story about loosing his ATM and not having any money for our "date".

His friend left and I went to the other side of the booth and that's when I was fully immersed in hell.

He proceeds to tell me a story of exchanging phone numbers with a girl and her finding his address and just showing up at his house. Yeah, don't think I came right home and reverse searched myself.

The conversation was awkward and creepy and only getting worse. Adding fuel to the flame, the waitress never ever came to the table, not in 40 minutes, so I stretched out my arms, and said, "well, since I'm apparently not getting a drink, I'm going to leave." He sucked back and said, "your leaving???"

"Yes" I said. "Nothing that you've said interests me. Good luck on your project, but I am not interested in it."

Then I left...

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