Saturday, January 11, 2014

skip the bracelet

Nothing like trying to put on a bracelet to realize, oh yeah, I live alone. Don't get me wrong, I am so much happier in my current relationship status than most people I know in their current relationship. There are only 2 couples in this whole world that I've met that have a relationship that I respect and value, and ironically, or maybe not so much, neither couple has kids. The others, well, it only takes about 10 minutes of interaction before I think, oh, thank god, I am not in that kind of situation.

On another note, I got my results of the survey the kids took about me. They had a paper copy of a survey that asked questions like, does your teacher care about you, does your teacher have high expectations, etc... Well, 100% of my kids that that I make learning fun. Bam, right there, my goal is met. All of that other school bullshit is just that, bullshit. Another plus is that the kids said that they feel like they are learning, which I suppose is one step towards actually learning, but we know that high school brains are delusional. They may think they're learning, but their exam scores show a different story.

In a reflection the other day, I asked them what they see themselves doing in 27 years, when they are my age. Yes, they will be 42 in 27 years. I am 27 years older than my students... Of course it's an unfair question since I don't know what I'll be doing in 2 years, never mind 27.

For now I'll skip the bracelet, design awesome lessons and take my dog to the park.

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