Saturday, January 4, 2014

mandatory birth control

Why is it that everyone that I've ever talked to thinks there should be some sort of test before you can procreate and yet only stupid people are breeding and I don't even own a TV.

Traveling in North America over winter break can be a nightmare. Luckily it looked like the nightmare was staying in the Northeast and Midwest, but as I was sitting at my gate with Fresa in tow I hear an announcement that we won't arrive in Denver until 1:30, which is two hours later than my scheduled time. Of course the boards say that our departure is on time and as the mumblings start we find out that indeed the flight is being delayed. Now I've got to make my way outside to let Fresa pee and stretch. When I walk back in I hear that the flight is now leaving at 7:05 pm. Another girl is standing there and tells me that she is having her friends pick her up, they live close. Damn. I call my sister and she needs to shower before she leaves, so I wait.

All this time I am checking my phone updates for Southwest and the 7:05 changes back to 11:30. What? I confirm that the new time is now 11:30. That poor girl had already been picked up.

At 11 they tell us they are starting to board and I am hopeful, but not too optimistic. I need to be in the air to really think we're leaving.

We board, Southwest has that stupid open boarding policy. Just assign me a seat so I can go to it. I feel like people take longer looking when it's open seating.

We're in line for takeoff and get the news that it will be at least 9 more minutes.

Then there's a huge THUD. Loud. Bam. Followed by screaming. A tiny baby is laying in the aisle 3 rows in front of me. The man across the aisle leans over as the mom realizes that she has fallen asleep and dropped her kid.

A man comes up the aisle and presents himself as a doctor. He was tall, handsome and part Asian, which made me giggle from stereotyping. The flight attendant was worried about a concussion and, although she was a bit dramatic, I mentally agreed with her push to have the baby checked before we took off. Of course now I'm thinking about my delay, selfish, I know, but that's what popped into my head. That and that baby is probably better off if it's life ended now. I know people make mistakes, but imagine dropping your kid. I silently patted myself on the back for choosing not to have kids.

We rolled back to the gate and the paramedics came aboard and decided that the lady and her kid should be removed. Of course when this was mentioned the lady asked about her luggage and worried that if she got off she wouldn't have her bag. I am not sure if she was in shock or flippant about dropping her kid, it was a strange interaction.

Hey, maybe with that blow to the head the kid will now have two different colored eyes...

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