Tuesday, January 21, 2014

If you only knew

I was walking by the school store at 7:20 this morning and one of my students... well, let me back up and tell you about this student. He is a year older than his classmates. He has a high IQ, but VERY low EQ. He shouts out random thoughts, hates everyone and everything, is overweight, carries around a huge camouflage backpack filled to the rim with god knows what. Drinks water out of a two liter bottle. Doesn't seem to understand basic hygiene. Well, let me give you an example of how he is in class.

Me: "Today we are going to do this super cool lab using steel balls and a bull's eye!" Him: "That sucks. I hate labs. That is stupid.

Me: "OMG this video of a human projectile is so cool!" Him: "That sucks. I hate videos. That is stupid.

Me: "We are going to use scissors and glue today so that we can create this super cool foldable."
Him: "That sucks. I hate foldables. This is stupid."

It is soooooooooooooo hard to have him as a student. The kids have learned to ignore him and his rants, and from what I understand, he is like this all day. He obviously has some sort of thing going on, and well, me being a physics teacher and not a psychiatrist, I just don't know. It takes an enormous amount of self control and energy not to punch him in the face. I obviously don't take anything he says personally, but let me tell you, it gets freaking old.

Ok, so back to my story. So this morning at 7:20 am, I see this kid walking out of the school store and you wanna know what he bought. THREE, yes, THREE Mountain Dews. Um, I know I said I don't have a medical degree and all, and call me crazy, but you think this kid's issues could stem from the poison he is putting into his body?

So now it's 7:23 and I'm in the copy room and there are a few other teachers there and of course there is venting going on. I couldn't help myself. I just had to give these teachers a little mini lesson on epigenetics, the fact that this generation that I'm teaching is the first generation EVER to have a shorter lifespan then their parents, that as a school we are feeding kids facts about meaningless physics and they are feeding themselves toxic chemicals. I ranted a bit. And then, I regretted it. The other teachers are living the delusional life and looked at me like I was completely mad.

I went back to my room and saw this...

Those teachers probably think I'm a ranting lunatic that spews all my thoughts at every moment, when in fact this graphic perfectly describes me. I know I say a lot of shit, but you can't even possibly begin to imagine what's going on in here. Maybe I need to see a psychiatrist.

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