Saturday, December 7, 2013

It's all perspective, this "reality"

All whiny bitchiness aside, it's -1 Fahrenheit (-18 Celsius) outside and I don't know how to function. Just stepping out into that kind of cold starts a freeze reaction of your boogers and don't even think about gasping, because that deep breath will make you cough up coldness. It seems that cold weather gear is concentrated around your core, but what about my poor legs? I turn into a zombie because the thought of bending my legs and touching my pants is horrifying.

To add to all this, now I have a cute little puppy that should not be putting her paw pads on -1 degree pavement. Her silly little dew claw is making it hard for her boots to stay on her front feet. Today I have to solve that problem because both she and I will go mad if we don't get outside for a while.

The 10 day forecast is a bit brighter than this cold snap that has snapped me into reality. We have 40's predicted by the end of the week. Wow, 40, two years ago 40 would have terrified me and now I'm thinking about how toasty I would feel if it would just get to 40!

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