Monday, November 4, 2013

Time less

Daylight savings ended. We are no longer saving daylight and now I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. Nice. The plight of a teacher. While you are still thinking about getting out of bed we are already driving to work. Just another asinine thing about our society, starting high school at the crack of dawn when no human is awake, never mind a teenage human. The status quo is so weird to me. Yes, in 1784 Ben Franklin thought of this genius plan to move the daylight to the morning to save on candle usage, but seriously? It's not like the day actually got longer, we just moved the light. As I drove home in the pitch dark at 5:15 pm, I had to dodge darkly clothed pedestrians and rush hour traffic. We can just manipulate time? Apparently we can, and if that is possible, if we have some kind of super power, why don't we use it for good?

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