Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Over and above time

As much as I always dread parent-teacher conferences I am always grateful to the parents that attend. I don't have much scientific evidence, but my claim is that kids who have parents that attend conferences are better kids, do better in school and grow up to be better parents. I know people are busy, I get that work is important, but if you seriously think work comes before your kid then you are in for a rocky road. Work does not and will never come before the child that you decided to create. Parent conferences are twice a year, shut the eff up and go. It's not for me, or the school, it's for your kid. You should see the faces of my high schoolers light up when they introduce me to their guardian. I am exhausted. I got to work at 7 am and I got home at 8:00 pm. It's one long day and I have to repeat it again tomorrow. I am sure I will spend the day dreading it and then be grateful after I see those shining faces. It'll continue to be a love fest since the bad kids don't have parents that come to conferences.

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