Thursday, October 10, 2013

Oh the joys of teaching

Why is it that the relationship between importance of job and salary are inversely related?

I just spent 4 hours OF MY OWN TIME grading tests for YOUR future generation. FUCK. Right now I hate you and society for creating such a fucked up education system, but then I hate myself even more for being a part of this completely dysfunctional system. Are you seriously still sitting there passing laws so that people with meaningless jobs, like getting rich people richer are getting paid exponentially more than a person that is keeping your kid safe all day? Safe AND learning? You don't like how the school system is, well no shit.

We're overworked with completely unreasonable expectations place upon us and severely underpaid. I guess it's good that I have to work at home every night because I couldn't afford to do much else. You can take your head out of the huge hole you have it in if you think teachers work even remotely close to 8 hours a day. Nope, it's more like 10 - 12 and thats just IN the building. You want to count my at home hours? That's ok, I'll adjust my crappy attitude before tomorrow morning when I see your kids that you let stay up late messing with the internet and fed toxic snacks so now they are not only obese, but giving themselves diabetes. Did you know that I'm probably gonna outlive your kid? Scary, huh. 

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