Friday, September 27, 2013

Hibernation sounds real good right about now

I spent all day inside one of the most awesome Museum's in the world and when it was time to go I entered the cold front that snuck through and it was rainy and 45 degrees! On my way to doggie day care I hear the radio announcer say that the lows for tonight are in the 30's and there is a chance of snow on the front range. WWWWWHHHAAATTTT???

I came home to a thermostat reading of 69 and thought for about 10 seconds before I decided to turn on the heat. It's been a long time since I had to use heat, well, actually, I really wanted heat in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, but heat doesn't exist here, so I've decided that hell no, I'm not going to be cold.

What temperature do normal people put their thermostat on in the winter? I'm thinking 72, but does that seem a little too cold? I mean, room temperature is 75, so shouldn't rooms be at least 75?

Cold drizzle, ugh.

1 comment:

sara said...

we have ours set at 69...but I would like it at 72 :)