Monday, September 30, 2013

Soup Hell

I made a rookie mistake. I actually tried to teach a cool lesson after a 3 day weekend. Since it wasn't a three day weekend for teachers I forgot all about the fact that kids didn't have school on Friday and I went to my Museum workshop, got all inspired, designed a great lesson about the physics of cheetahs and got ghettoblasted with apathy, emptiness, blah. My first class went great and I was ramped up for the rest of the day and then the sludge hit and their learned helplessness dragged me under kicking and screaming until I just gave up and wallowed in the soup of despair.

I tried to vent to a colleague and that completely blew up in my face. After 10 hours in the building, working through my 40 minute lunch, I came home and worked for 2 more hours. Am I nuts? I am completely mentally drained, exhausted emotionally, but not at all physically. I'm trapped in the fat person mode where I drain my brain all day and come home and can't even think about exercising my body, so I just wallow in more soup, grasping on the chunks, hoping to stay afloat until I can climb out of this bowl. I think I see the spoon. I'm going to help myself here and head for the spoon. I refuse to become the American fat helpless junkie.

It's a good thing I don't relate or remotely get along with anyone on my team at school. Covered in soup mess is not a good look for me.

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