Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Denver Week 1 - almost

In my empty living room. Well, it's not quite totally empty, I do have a couple of rugs and a dog bed... My new couch and chair are scheduled to be delivered tomorrow, just one week after living here. I'd say that's not too bad...

So far I've said "awesome" one million times since being back. I had an awesome day in the mountains with my dad before he left, I attended an awesome new teacher training, I had an awesome dinner with a great friend, I had an awesome night at jazz in the park, I've had awesome mountain views that I hope to continue to appreciate. I met with a former student and it was awesome, I am so proud of her. I really do feel like I'm home.

Things that haven't been so awesome... my landlord is turning out to be a douche, the weather is already fall-like, I've had to wear a sweatshirt every morning so far. My house, although in an awesome location is dark and dingy, and has absolutely no air flow, partly because of the douchy landlord. Traffic. Oh sweet jesus, traffic. I was thinking that I blocked the traffic here out of my head when I moved away, but I've been reassured that it is worse now than 5 years ago. I've actually pulled some of my DR skills here, I do miss running red lights and changing lanes on a total whim. I also forgot about goose poop. Yes, it's so lovely that the Canadian Geese have decided to take up permanent residence here in the park, but they shit everywhere, like literally everywhere. You don't tend to notice it too much until you have a dog... Gross.

Fresa is adjusting ok. She is up at 3 and wants to get out of her crate, so of course being the strict parent that I am, I let her on the bed with me. That'll teach her. I did buy her a nice comfy bed and she seems to be loving it.

Although I intentionally found a house with a yard, the yard here has been completely torn up and is unaccessible until the garage/carriage house construction is done - goal is October 1. That puts a damper on dog life.

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