Sunday, July 28, 2013

I'm going "home"

You know how people ask where you are from? What do you say? What is the definition for where a person is from? I have no idea where I am "from". Is is where you were born? What if you only lived there for a few years? How about where you went to elementary school, high school, college? What if all those places were different? I have no "hometown", and most of the time I don't give it a second thought, but there are those moments, when someone asks, most of the time in passing, and I have to sigh, and either make something up or sounds like a gypsy.

The guy at the check out asked me where I was from the other day and this got me thinking. I feel like if you don't have a "from" that you should get to pick one, and if I had to pick a place that I've lived that I'm most connected to and that I lived for a long time it would be Denver. I've just dug some roots, people, roots. So here I am, packing up to return to my roots. I'm the nonnative Deverite.

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