I'm really gonna miss this weather. Even on cloudy, humid days I love the weather here. The mosquito attack in the park today wasn't that much fun, but never having to think about having a jacket is awesome. Am I ready to trade in my bathing suit for a down coat?
I was doing a little google image searching on this topic and here's what I found...
I was doing a little google image searching on this topic and here's what I found...
Who do you suppose designed this thing? Speaking of things no one needs I have recently rediscovered the Lorax. No one needs a Thneed.
In 1972, Dr. Seuss knew that no one needed a Thneed and here we are in 2013 surrounded by crap we don't really even want, never mind need. Our natural resources are way more important than some stupid Thneed. Whenever I read the Lorax it reminds me of Louis Vuitton and all the ugly crap that he designed for thousands of dollars, all the crap that no one needs, and did I already say that it's ugly? Do people really want a brown plastic-y looking pocket book with LV's all over it?
Living on a tropical island has had it's perks, environmental perks. I hardly use any electricity. I don't need heat or air conditioning - ever. My windows are always open and I feel as close as I can to the outside despite the fact that I am surrounded by a filthy city.
In only 3 1/2 weeks I'll be leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again.
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