Monday, April 1, 2013

Rest in peace chacos, I'll miss you...

My awesome chacos that I've had since 1996 have been stolen and although I'm super sad I am going to believe that the person that took them is going to pass them on to a needy person that will give them as much love as I have.

Here's how it happened... we had just arrived at the turtle research station on the east coast of Costa Rica. It was really hot, really humid and really sandy. The research station coordinator informed us to make sure to lock our dorm room because the camp was next to a poor community of people and the temptation is too much. Ok, fine. We got to our dorm room and there was a sign on the door that said to please take off your sandy shoes and leave them outside so you don't track sand all around. Also fine. 

After the first night of turtle patrol from midnight to 4 am, my sister and I got back to the cabin, took off our shoes and stumbled into bed. At this point my chacos were already on the porch and I took off my soaking wet, sandy sneakers and added them to the pile. All in all, between the 5 of us there were 8 pairs of shoes on the porch. Now, my sister had giant flipper feet, and the teacher from the program also has giant feet. Me and the other teacher have regular sized feet, but none of this seemed remotely important or interesting as we fell into the bunk bed at 4 am. 

The next morning I woke in a daze and made my way out to the porch. Wait, weren't my shoes here? Oh, what if this is a prank by the kids? That would be an awesome prank! Good thing I bought the $2 flip flops the day before we left for the trip. Now to find my shoes...

What, kids, you didn't take them? You were also in a coma sleep? Oh, crap. What, the other teacher with the regular sized feet also can't find her shoes? Wait, they took three pairs of shoes and TWO of them were mine? I guess I'll be wearing flip flops for the rest of the trip.

Thanks chacos, for 17 years of adventures!

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