Friday, March 22, 2013

There's no dial tone here

I'm unpluggin'. For the next 9 days I'm going to be with a group of 18 students, my sister and another teacher on an ecology trip to Costa Rica! I can't wait to show the kids and my sis the awesomeness of the rainforest. Monkeys, sloths, frogs, toucans, etc... It's pretty much a general consensus that anything but spiders is ok.

The company we are using for the "guide" part is from the states and has a strict unplugged policy, which means when the kids arrive in San Jose their phones, IPods, all electronic devices except cameras will be confiscated. I'm actually looking forward to being unconnected and just have face to face communication, especially since I'll have my sis along.

So, hasta el proximo domingo...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really wanted to see a toucan down there, but no luck! Let me know if you see one.