Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Is this dog fate?

Today while I was helping make this city a little bit prettier a stray pup came over and snuggled up next to me on the ground.

I could have photos of this event if I didn't live in a city where you're constantly reminded that you'll be mugged at any moment.

Our school has built these huge concrete walls in place of the chain link fence that previously occupied the space. These walls turned out to be a blessing when a local natural gas company decided to fund a mural designed and constructed by the students, led by a local artist, and composed of recycled materials.

Today I decided to show my support for the project and put on some paint worthy clothes and grab a brush. Facing the smog filled street with constant horns blowing, the students and I jumped right into helping make this crappy city a little bit prettier.

Each section of the mural is an original design by a student. They chose to focus on the treasures of this island... whales, sea turtles, corals, birds, flowers, all in bright colors. The next step will be to put a cement base on parts of the animals and "glue" in pieces of garbage. Bottle caps, old CD's, plastic trays all will find a place to make a bold statement. Stop consuming so much wasteful shit, and start taking care of this beautiful island.

So let's get back to the dog. She is all fluffy and looks pretty healthy. She was pacing up and down the sidewalk where we were working and of course my awesome, compassionate kids were helping paint, so one girl turned a plastic bottle into a water bowl. The pup drank and drank. She then paced for a bit more and settled down next to where I was painting.

The next thing you know she was gone. When we walked back into school we saw that someone had tied her up on a fence. After asking around we discovered that one of the guards tied her up, but she belongs to no one and when we leave for the day they are going to release her back into the street.

I am fully aware of the hundreds of street dogs in need. I walked past a bloated dead dog in the park yesterday. I know reality, but it doesn't make this easier. If she is still there in the morning I'm paying for her vet visit. I don't know how I'd get her on a flight, but she may be my next dog.

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