Friday, April 12, 2013

I heart nerds

Have you noticed that nerd is the new cool? Is this happening where you live, or am I just imagining it? When I taught in Denver it was shameful to be a "school boy" and kids wouldn't even bring a pencil to school, never mind a back pack. Of course those kids didn't have normal functioning lives with functional parents, but, still, it was definitely not cool to like learning. It seems that over the past 10 years there's been a shift from learning is not cool, to learning is super cool.

I've always attracted the kids with a bit of nerd in them, even if they had to normally hide it, but now my nerd herd is quite large and very vocal! I've got kids not only loving to learn, but actually talking about it openly!

I woke up thinking about the nerd is the new cool thing and I decided to do a google image search using those exact words... It seems that I was right, nerd is the new cool.

My prediction of this phenomenon... with technology advancing at exponential rates, only the nerds will be able to survive. It's cool to have a smart phone where you can google search any topic at any moment. Information is at our fingertips and we are now able to scientifically explain the most elusive topics. Knowledge is truly power. But wait. Is knowing powerful? What if you know a lot of stuff, but don't do anything? The new nerd is not huddled in a corner reading books, but instead shouting out their new ideas with joy. So here's a better formula...

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