Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snap me out of it

I'm in serious need of an attitude adjustment right now. I know what you are thinking... women are crazy, irrational, unpredictable? Well, you are partly right. It's not like I've sat down and thought about feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, like the world is shit, I am not trying to be negative and pessimistic. I don't even have a TV to stimulate all the hate I feel for humanity right now. I want to believe that we are trying, that we, humanity, are conscience, but look around, I mean really look around. Not at all the fake material shit you have surrounding you. Look outside your bubble. I can't understand why more people aren't more upset? Don't sweat the small stuff, right? Well, this stuff isn't small. A teacher friend of mine posted an NPR podcast about a school in Chicago where there have been 29 shootings in one year. I listened to the podcast, I know, I should have watched a video about flowers or something, but I've never been one to back away from the truth. So in the middle of this depressing story of this gang ridden school and kids that seriously have no hope all I could think about is the movie Outbreak, where they wanted to bomb the entire town to keep the motaba virus a secret. Bomb and entire town. What I don't understand is why do people in that shit hole neighborhood keep having kids? Life can't be different if you don't start with you. It's overwhelmingly depressing for me. Why? Why do I internalize all this crap? Why can't I wear those sports colors, wave a flag and ignore all the shitty stuff that is happening? Why do I want to be a part of the change so bad? Why don't more people want to play a part?

There is great beauty in the world. I've seen it, felt it, but there is also a big pile of shit. Doesn't anyone else think about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? The inumane treatment of farm animals? Starving, abused children? We, me and you, contribute to this every day. Why? What can we do? Do you know there is a campaign to "Go Strawless"? A kid decided that in his town too many people were just wasting straws and those plastic pieces of evilness just end up floating around that pacific garbage patch I was talking about. Two years ago I saw a talk on this "Go Strawless" concept and I've made an effort to remove straws from my life. Easy. Could you do the same? What about plastic water bottles? It is beyond me why anyone in the US would buy water. Get a bottle and fill it up, over and over. Yes, you need to use plastic for some stuff, but let's be reasonable.

I have to snap out of this. I know I can make a bigger difference and I want to. I need to focus. Each day is a chance to make a better choice. I just can't stop thinking about that hungry little boy...

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