Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Random Thoughts

Oh thank you calendar, for being DONE with that hellacious month of January.

Have you ever noticed that the Counting Crows, as good as their music is, is kind of depressing?

Remember when I LOVED the entire month of February, as it represented my birthday month?

40 is half way to 80.

It's one thing to be up at 7:30 am and it's a completely other thing to be functional and teaching a class.

I'm feeling motherly and proud at how much some of my former students have accomplished.

I think about getting a dog everyday.

I want to take more risks without being more reckless.

My guts have been sending me messages, and I've been listening.

I was going to put beans on my chips, but it was too much effort to heat them up.

someecards.com makes me laugh out loud.

Swear words are fun to say, it's just letters people, letters.

It has occurred to me that I haven't been posting pics from the DR...

You'd get more photos if it didn't take 8 minutes to load EACH one. Damn DR internet.

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