Friday, January 21, 2011

Back to work - with a vengeance

After a month long break I've jumped right back into being too busy. The other high school science teacher decided to quit Tuesday, leaving us with no chemistry and physics teacher. A huge ass whole move, but I really think he has a mental disability and am trying to not despise him. It's actually better he's gone because he did such a horrible job in every way a teacher could be horrible. No one is sad to see him go, but his short notice affected the entire high school this first week back after such a long break.

My principal came to me to see how I could help. It just makes sense for me to pick up his chemistry classes, so I am combining his two chem classes into one and adding it to my schedule. I like and respect both my principal and director, and I believe that all students deserve a chance at a good education, so it was a no brainer. Of course I will be compensated as well, so don't think I'm too much of a saint. However, those of you who really know me, know that I do nothing half ass and adding another subject to teach is going to drastically change my routine for the rest of the semester.

I want to work at a school that doesn't have to constantly put out fires. I started teaching in January of 2003 and was replacing a guy that quit midway through the year, putting out a fire. Every school after that has had to be reactive instead of proactive. I want to work at a place where we can grow and move forward. Where teachers want to be there and put forth their best effort AND succeed. Teaching is just not one of those jobs where you can wing it.

I've made a decision about next year. I actually made the decision before I left for break in December so it has nothing to do with the current drama, but have been keeping it to myself. I am moving to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic and teaching Biology and AP Biology at the Carol Morgan School. I am not only inviting you all to visit, but I am actually expecting visitors this time! I have a two year contract, so at least I can be proactive in my own life for the next two years.

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