Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's only Wednesday???

It can not be possible that it is only Wednesday! I've only been back in the full swing teaching for two days? This must be a joke! I suppose it doesn't help that I had a birthday dinner last night at 8 pm! Yes, eating at 8 pm, doesn't that sound crazy. I am a gringo through and through and want my dinner time to be at 5:30, possibly 6, but not much later and certainly not at 8 or 9 pm. This is one of the issues about living and traveling in a foreign country... many people around the world do not eat like us gringos in the US, and I know that there are people in the US that eat later as well, but I am not one of them. The thing I don't get about it is that you need a snack after work, if you are going to eat past 8, so you end up eating a snack and then eating dinner, which seems like more food than necessary if you were to just eat at a normal hour. I know the US is the fattest country, but I am not in that fat category and I like dinner at a reasonable time. I also like to be somewhat toward the end of stomach digestion by the time I lay down for bed.

I suppose I better get myself organized for the day. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

ahondo said...

I bought chips and salsa the other day and thought of you!