Saturday, August 21, 2010

How many days til my next vacation?

I think I'm a little obsessed with counting days. When I stop for a moment to think and reflect my first instinct is to figure out how many days I've been doing something. What is that all about? How many days have I been traveling? How many days have I been back to work? Maybe it's because my life is constantly changing, but it doesn't seem healthy.

I did call in sick on Friday and that is a huge deal for me. I NEVER call in sick, unless I'm really really sick and on Friday morning I couldn't stand up without feeling so dizzy that I needed to sit down. I slept for 22 hours and then my roommates came home and cooked me some soup and I slept for the rest of the night. I wonder how people with kids and families do it? I am grateful that right now I don't have anyone counting on me because I feel like crap and can't function. One more day of rest and I should be good to go, but what would I do if I had a family? I guess this is why I don't...

So far - so good - at school. I love my freshman and have decided that next year I'm going to look for a middle school job. I forgot how much I like people part of my job. Middle school kids are still full of wonder and especially in science I can give them lots of it. I love science, don't get me wrong, but it's the people part that I like better. I was actually thinking of going back to school (maybe an online thing) and getting certified in counseling. I think I would enjoy being a middle/high school counselor.

This is the second year of my 2 year contract. Yes, I could put in to stay for a third, but this city is not what I'm looking for. So... in a few months I'll start the job hunting and moving process again. I know it sounds scary, but to me, it's all excitement. Where to go next???

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