Saturday, August 7, 2010

Home again, home again, jiggity jig

I know, can you believe it, I called Bolivia my home! Actually I call anywhere I sleep my home, but coming back to Santa Cruz, especially to our nice retirement house community, felt like home. I am almost all moved in with clean clothes and enough bath and body products to last me for the year!

I feel different, but in a way that is really difficult to describe. I feel... more... I don't know, relaxed? Being alone all summer has given me a unique perspective on my life. I can do it, I can be alone, but boy is it nice to be around friends. Coming back to find Laura and Ale in the house was like returning to comfort. I missed Laura - a lot. There were many times during my summer that I wanted her to be there because I knew that she would help make light of whatever messed up situation I was in. Ale, my other roommate, you don't know her yet, but she is the mom of the house for sure. She is the kindest person you will meet and would give her the shirt off her back if you even hinted at being cold. We are a good trio.

I'm the glass half empty person, you know that. I've spent my life being disappointed and therefore have put up thick walls to protect myself, but I feel different. I feel like the house situation is going to be a much different environment and that right there is a nice start to the school year. We have more stuff and it is more homey. I usually need some time before I go out and buy things, but now I realize that I do need some personal items around, AND I now have the adult room, so more space to spread out. I'll take some photos for you to see.

About the school year... again, I have a much more relaxed attitude about it. I know I am creeping up on 40, but I am really starting to learn how to take things in stride. I do want to help save the world, I always will, but I can't beat myself up over all the details I really can't control. It's about doing the best we can, huh? I'm going to make my classroom the best learning environment I can and anything outside these walls is beyond my control. Check back with me in a few weeks, when I'm tired of getting up in the 6:00 hour :)

I am looking forward to this year in Bolivia!

1 comment:

ahondo said...

Happy to hear that you are excited! I think of you often, dear friend. I hope you're well. And I hope this year will be nothing less than remarkable for you!