Saturday, July 31, 2010

30 July - Day 56: Ssshhh it's quiet time

Looking over my photos - damn I like some of my animal shots! The thought of organizing the 100's of photos I've taken is daunting. I'd like to create a photo book. Time is such a weird element. I've been wandering, sitting and emersedin toomuch time for a few weeks, but when I get back to Bolivia on Monday at 3 am I'll hit the ground running and all of a sudden crave this time I've been fortunate enough to have. Be assured that I am grateful for my time situation. I love the quantity and qualitity of time that I have. I know that my choices in life have led me to my current situation and I am happy for it.

I walked for miles today. Decided to head back up to the Wall of Tears - this time without the chatter of the group. I walked for 12 km and didn't have much of a care in the world. The whole summer without a cell phone and most of the last three weeks without internet - just being, living and not worrying if someone is trying to contact you, checking  your messages obsessively - I like being free of technology once in a while.

Couldn't bear to put my head under the shower and by the way, the baby powder in the hair idea didn't work out too well - so I'll go yet another day with dirty hair. Ya'll know I like to stretch the hair washing limits anyway!

As I passed the same people on the same streets I was overcome with the desire to get outta here! Already thinking of my next travel adventure...

1 comment:

NaRiHo said...

Hi Lisa, I just have to tell you, as I sit here with a fresh cup of coffee, how much I have enjoyed reading and learing from your journal. As you know I am not a big reader but I find myself looking forward to mornings when I can check your blog for the larest travel adventure. I think I actually do like to read, I just like to read true articles as I come away learning so many new things and I love to learn. You are such a good writer as you make us feel like we are there with you. Thanks and I can't wait to see some pictures :-)
Love, Nancy