Saturday, July 31, 2010

29 July - Day 55: I'm ready to leave now...

Wandered around all day. I feel like a local, and I don't want to live here. Time for a change.

It's amazing how many fantastic photos you can get when you are still for a while. Most tours zip in and out so quickly that a lot is missed.

For example, I headed to a "pool" area called Concha and Perla. It was peaceful and quiet and seemingly void of any animals besides fish and crabs. I decided to sit with my Kindle for a bit and after a few minutes of being still I hear this sort of snoring noise. Umm, weird and creepy. I follow the noise to a snoring sea lion hiding out in the mangroves. My sitting around with no plans pays off as sea lions wake up from their siestas and explore the pool. I was enjoying the tranquil morning until a group of 15 snorkelers noisely make their way to my spot. It is amazing how different traveling alone can be.

I've walked down the same five roads so many times I think the locals think I've immigrated. No fear immigration, I do not want to live here. Wandering the beach does make me think about Wilmington or maybe the Outer Banks. I've had a few moments of desire to "settle down" during this solo trip. Wouldn't it be great to live somewhere you love? Enjoying what your own town has to offer? My dream location would have electricity, hot water, and either a heated house or a climate where heat isn't necessary.

You'll be impressed with my bird photo collection from today. I suppose those few images are worth a frigid shower.

One more full day on Isabella - deep breath, but two more mornings of horrid rooster calls that start at 4 am. I thought - well I like to eat chicken - so I can't complain too much - unitl I found out that the neighborhood of my hotel is known for cock fighting and these aren't being bred for food, but for fighting. Oh good, I live in the slums of a five street town.

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