Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 16: Can´t I just get an I.V.?

The food situation of traveling has always frustrated me. I just don´t enjoy eating long drawn out meals and especially not alone. I was looking at the Quito guide book and realized that you could eat your way through this city, but well that would be torture for me... I just like to eat so I don´t pass out. My mom is the same way... eat to live not live to eat (don´t get me wrong, there are foods I like, but only when I don´t have to put in much effort). In Quito there are tons of fast food places, but I´ve been trying to avoid them so I don´t look like that super jack ass from the US that goes to a foreign country and eats MacDonalds...

Well let me fill you in on some of my food adventures.

Next to my school there is a local place called Cafe Libro and it looks super charming and cool and sounds like it might have a nice cup of coffee... well, it´s not. It´s a buffet of traditional food. When I say traditional in Quito I mean soup (oh god not more soup), rice, and some sort of beat thin piece of meat. Oh and some juice. When I say buffet I don´t mean that you can just go get what you want, I mean cafeteria style where you move your tray along and someone dishes out the exact portion from the handbook. So, ok, it´s fine, and it costs $3.50, which is pretty good. So I´ve been a few times, on my lunch break from school. Well the other day I got my food and sat down at my table by the window, when I notice something on the bench by the window... wait, what? Damn, it´s a cockroach. When I told my teacher that afternoon, she said, yeah, but it was a small one, right? 

Ok, it´s time to branch out. I must try and sit alone at a different place. Ok, I´ll wander around the neighborhood, oh look, there is a little place called Cafe Tree. It has outside seating (even in this frigid weather many places have outside seating and it´s always full) looks nice, ok, I´ll sit down. I order some chicken, fries and a juice. This time my bill is $9 and the food tastes bland and boring. Damn. In the back of my head the chain fast food restaurants are calling my name. I will resist!

In the guide book they mention Magic Bean. Sounds cool, and gringo like. They guidebook mentions that the sandwiches are very good. A little pricey, but good. Resist the Big Mac and head toward Magic Bean... ok, I´m there and see they have an iced coffee drink, my expectations are low and when it comes it looks very good. I even snapped a photo while I thought no one was looking. Sip. Damn.
I order the Magic Bean chicken sandwich expecting a nice meal by the guidebook standards... It was the blandest meal I´ve ever eaten. Tasteless. I really don´t like ketchup and here I was dipping my tasteless chicken into ketchup. That was $14 later...

My favorite meal so far... it´s embarassing to say, but true, that my favorite meal was the cheesy gordita from Taco Bell in the mall. Yup, sorry to admit, but it had tons of cheese, and a delicious sauce with lots of flavor. I got a gordita, soda and chips for $3.50. It´s no wonder that people love fast food. The two big malls have big food courts. I had this thought that maybe I should eat my way around the food courts...


Jane said...

I hope you soon find some decent places to eat before you go broke on crap. That's why I don't like to go to new places to eat; I hate to waste the money on awful food.

Jane said...

Maybe you should open a Starbucks!!!

Jane said...

Second thought, Port City Java.

Mary Yemma said...

On our trip we eat dinner on the boat everyday so we don't have to eat any nasty foods that will make us sick.
I was looking at popular foods in Russia....yuck.