Sunday, May 9, 2010

Oh Jane...

My mom had her 60th birthday this April and since today is mother's day I am going to tell you some things about my mother. If you know her at all, you know she is a tiny little thing and completely addicted to coffee drinks and coke (the soda). She is the only person I've met in my life that can open her favorite food and only take two bites. She has a lot of self control when it comes to most things except playing in the water and I guess most recently - cutting an extension cord with the hedge clippers.

She is wacky. Wacky in the most sincere way. She is funny, passionate and a great mother. She has as much energy as 10 kids who forgot to take their Ritalin. She loves her family. A lot. She would lay in front of an oncoming train for her kids and her husband. She has been with my dad for her whole life and they are still grossly in love.

She doesn't think highly of herself and if there was one thing I would change, it would be that. She is intelligent, but she doesn't think so... She is creative - my sister got that trait. She is generous. One of the reasons I've been able to travel off on whims, and reinvent my life - several times - is that I know that I have her unconditional love. She is behind me, always, except maybe when I'm sitting in a tattoo shop. Although even with my tattoos she'll defend me like a lioness with her cubs... just ask the lady in Belks!

She is the best grandma ever, even if it's for dogs. There are some days when I think about my decision not to have kids and how my parents would have made great grandparents. I guess they'll just have to keep giving their love to dogs!

On this special day I would like to say that I am very lucky to have Jane as my mother! Thank you for everything - I am grateful.


Mary Yemma said...

We are the luckiest kids on earth to have such great parents!

Jane said...

Thank you for your kind words. I am the one blessed with such a wonderful family. I wouldn't change a thing.
PS the nut dosen't fall to far from the tree. You are a carbon copy of me!!!!
Love you,
Mama Jane

NaRiHo said...

Very nice :-)